美國杜邦Zytel PA66 純樹脂牌號
PA66 101L 美國杜邦 一般通用級,有潤滑性尼龍66,以改進機器進 料和脫模特性。 達到UL94V-2級,符合美國FDA食品安全標準的應用。
PA66 101F 美國杜邦 通用級,與101L相若,流動性好,適合薄壁和較長的部件設計。
PA66 103HSL 美國杜邦 射出成型,比101L更耐熱的有潤滑尼龍66。 在UL溫度指數可達140℃,受熱壽命**,電器性能良好。
PA66 103FHS 美國杜邦 快速結晶型,熱穩定級,與103HSL相若, 更適合薄壁及較長的產品設計要求。
PA66 408L 美國杜邦 射出成型, 增韌級, 有潤滑的尼龍66。適合玩具、體育、水上及戶外用品。
PA66 408HS 美國杜邦 增韌性,同408L, 有更好的耐熱穩定性,是種耐沖擊性之材料。 PA66 1402S JPN旭化成 一般通用級,比普通的尼龍有更好的耐熱穩定性。
PA66 ST801 美國杜邦 射出成型,超級韌性尼龍66。是種杰出的耐沖 擊性材料,適合耐寒及戶外多次沖擊,低溫性能**。
PA66 FR7025V0F 美國杜邦 射出成型,阻燃級尼龍66??捎?.75mm厚度達到UL94V-0之特性。
PA66塑膠原料為半透明或不透明乳白色結晶形聚合物,具有可塑性。密度1.15g/cm3。熔點252℃。脆化溫度-30℃。熱分解溫度大于350℃。 連續耐熱80-120℃,平衡吸水率2.5%。能耐酸、堿、大多數無機鹽水溶液、鹵代烷、烴類、酯類、酮類等腐蝕,但易容于苯酚、甲酸等極性溶劑。具有優良的耐磨性、自潤滑性,機械強度較高。但吸水性較大,因而尺寸穩定性較差。
PA66 is a high mechanical strength and widely used variety in PA series. Because of its high crystallinity, its rigidity and heat resistance are high. PA66 has high melting point in polyamide. It is a semi-crystalline-crystalline material. PA66 also maintains high strength and stiffness at higher temperatures. PA66 still has hygroscopicity after molding, and the degree of hygroscopicity mainly depends on the material composition, wall thickness and environmental conditions. The influence of hygroscopicity on geometric stability must be considered in product design. Various modifiers are often added to improve the mechanical properties of PA66. Glass is a common additive, sometimes added to improve the impact resistance of synthetic rubber, such as EPDM and SBR. PA66 is less viscous and therefore has good (but not as good) mobility. This property can be used to machine very thin components. Its viscosity is sensitive to changes in temperature. The shrinkage rate of Pa66 was 1% ~ 2% , and the shrinkage rate could be reduced to 0.2% ~ 1% by adding glass fiber additive. The difference of shrinkage rate between the flow direction and the vertical direction of the flow direction is large.